
How To Determine The Chain Is Scrapped?

#mechanicalconveyorequipment #platechain #conveyorlineplatechain #conveyorsprocket #conveyorchain

Mechanical conveyor equipment plays an important role in the work, and the conveyor chain is one of the most important parts in the equipment. The plate chain is also a kind of chain and also plays an important role. If the plate chain takes too long, it will cause such problems. Then how to judge the scrapping of the chain?

The general rule of the plate chain is judged from the following aspects: First, the operator should be clear that the wear value allowed by the plate chain is limited. Generally speaking, it cannot be higher than the diameter of the ring chain bar. Tenth. The second point is to see the degree of distortion of the main ring of the main chain of the plate chain. If it is greater than 10 degrees, it will be scrapped. Of course, this should start from the uncurved plane above the main ring. If the chain of the plate chain is used for a long time, cracks, bends, etc. will occur. If it cannot be removed after being removed, it can no longer be used, and it is counted as scrap.

Once the conveyor line plate chain has a problem, it will cause a lot of trouble for production. Then we must do daily maintenance and maintenance in our lives, and strive to reduce equipment damage. Jin Hengli usually does this. First of all, when installing the conveyor sprocket on the shaft, make sure that there is no swing and inclination. When the same drive assembly is not used, the rotary shaft should be in the same horizontal plane. If there is deviation, it will be Let the professional technicians carry out the repairs.

The tightness of the plate chain should be appropriate. It should not be too tight or too loose. If the chain is too tight, the power of the device will increase and the consumption will be excessive. If it is too loose, the device will easily jump or even be unchained. Chains that have been used for a long time should not be mixed with new ones to avoid impact when used and to break the chain.

